Monday, March 31, 2008

Back to School

Well today Tru went back to school. She did really good at drop off. When we got there only one other kid was there. Tru kept trying to walk back out of the classroom and screamed a few times. Once a few more kids showed up and she started playing, she was fine. I left and she didn't even notice. When I came to pick her up she didn't even notice me for 10 minutes. The teachers said that she did scream alot though. I am hoping once she gets use to the schedule she will calm down with the screaming. I have noticed that when she is on a real strict schedule she communicates through words and signs better, instead of screaming. She did use three different words today for them at school. She asked for Daddy and Bubbles and answered Yeah to them a couple different times. I think that's great. I hope that she adjust quickly. I guess we'll find out in time.

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