I thought I would share this link, I found it to be very helpful - http://www.kcdsg.org/files/content/Explaining%20Privacy%20and%20Sexuality.pdf
before I jump into the next topic.
Tru is starting to go into that "self-exploratory" stage and I'm truly at odds on what to do. We are usually able to redirect her attention to another activity, but I caught her in her room the other day. In her defense she did have her bedroom door closed, but I'm just unsure about how I'm suppose to react. I helped her wash her hands and just redirected her to hang out with me in the living room and color. I've spoken to her pediatrician and he tells me that since she is at risk for early puberty anyways, that I need to find away to deal with it. (He was much more kind in his wording, but as usual he was encouraging of the job that I am doing with her and his amazement he takes in all her accomplishments - is like a solidifying nail that I really am doing a good job.)
I just can't believe how quickly time is passing, it seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home and passing her around to family and friends in this living room, so many couches, end tables, and TVs have come and gone since then =) I think the only original piece is the computer and the multi-picture frame that holds Tru Legacy's pics from when she was 2 weeks old, and even those have been updated over time.
Change is good though and the memories that we have acquired along the way are worth all the time and effort.
~Have a Beautiful Day~