I can't believe that it will starting this weekend. I'm looking forward to some girl time with Tru. (get away from that trouble making brother of hers) I fear that being home all summer is taking its toll on her. I guess next year she's gonna have to do a daycare of some sort to get keep her in a good mood. It's not her ears bothers her, other then her natural aversion to loud sounds, I'm pretty sure it's just missing being around other kids her own age and away from home, my little birdie just wants out of the nest, lol. I wonder if it could be her glasses, she's broken them again cause she kept taking them off, which she never did there for the longest time, good thing the eye doctor appointment is coming up. She was suppose to go this week, but it got rescheduled.
I can't wait till this weekend. She usually does pretty good in the car. So long as we have our tunes and someone can hand her what she needs. I can't wait to see her with all the other kids and in the pool where her feet can't touch. I haven't taken her to the public pool this year because we got a Walmart special for here. She's floating in that one, but she knows that she can touch the bottom and her head still be above water. The swimsuit has the built in life vest, but I don't know how well it's going to work. I'll find out soon enough I guess. I promise to get lots of pictures.
~Have a Beautiful Day~